Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All Wrong

Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll. Sorry to say, you are all wrong!! I knew Abrielle was growing fast but I was in for a surprise when the nurse said, "8 lbs, 5 oz." I think I asked the doctor like three or four times if that was ok. That means she gained three lbs total since she came home from the hospital. I was freaking out a little. I already have this fear that I am going to miss something with her growing because she would grow up too fast. It was almost a realization of my fear. I guess it could be A LOT worse. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! We all have so much to be thankful for. Praise God, for every good and perfect gift comes from Him!


Court said...

Oh my gosh...that just means she is a good eater and a healthy little girl. I can't believe it, she is already a month old, wow, time sure does fly.
We took Porter in today for is 1 year check up. He weighed in at 21 lbs. 10 oz. He is growing so fast. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and send my love to the family.


What a blessing that she's healthy and growing. I just love her name! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Christine (Webb) Williams

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Brent, Amanda, and Abrielle! I am really enjoying keeping up with your daughter and her activities on this blog. She is so precious.