Abrielle has been really enjoying having Brent home these last few days. He introduced her to egg nog. She loves it! Today we went tubing in my parent's back yard. Abrielle loved it. I could not believe she would go down the whole hill by herself without any fear. She even would go over the little jump and get a little air and would just laugh. Puppie Ellie (my mom's Christmas present surprise) was funny trying to jump on the tube with Abrielle. What fun.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
So much fun to be had
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Tradition
Every year we decorate sugar cookies. This year perhaps was a little more enjoyable for the few members of the family who do not enjoy this tradition as much as others. Abrielle was so funny enjoying herself, her joy rubbed off on the rest of us.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Creator of the earth and sky
Driving home tonight I was watching the horizon as the sun set over the rim. What a beautiful view to begin with. Tonight, there was just a sliver of the moon with a bright star just above the moon. That sight brought me to think how awesome God is, creator of the earth and sky. And to know, we only see a sliver of God’s creation made me in awe of God our Creator and Creator of the earth and sky. On a night where some are filled with such darkness, I am thankful to be in awe of the Creator and King of all Kings. Here are a few pictures on this day given to us to worship Him.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Remembering the days
Remember the days when your child was just brand new and each and every day seemed to be so important. We would count how old they are by days. Then slowly it turns into weeks, now months oh and I know it is coming...years. Wow. Well, here is what happens in the life of a 373 day old baby, or 1 year, one week. We had a fun week enjoying being one.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 4:12 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Abrielle
Here are some of the many pictures we took today of Abrielle's birthday.
What an awesome day! We had so much fun celebrating Abrielle’s birthday. But I think what is really overwhelming me right now is an emotion of thankfulness. Mostly of all the great memories I have over this past year of Abrielle but as I think of those I become thankful for much more. Thankful for God to send his Son so through Him and His sacrifice for my sins I may have eternal life. That is where it only begins but the grace God shows goes way beyond eternal life. I life in His grace daily and I feel so very thankful for that. So much so I am really at a loss for words right now. I am trying to describe this thankfulness I have, and it is beyond my ability to write. Then, I am thankful for my wonderful husband who loves both me and Abrielle so very much. He has a way to communicate this love on a daily basis. I am thankful to have a husband who loves the Lord and his family. I am thankful Brent is the father of my one little baby girl, Abrielle. Putting Abrielle down for bed was really sort of tough for me tonight. I guess God was fully aware, Brent just before I was going to put her to bed asked if I was about ready (he was outside working on our yard in the cold) to put her down. I said yes, and he came right in. We got her in bed and Brent prayed over her, but as I was kneeling next to her crib praying I was just overwhelmed with thankfulness for her. I am thankful for some of the little things like her blue blue eyes, and her smile and her ONE tooth (although she is getting another one). I am thankful for her love for life. I recall the first night we had her home and I was praying over her as she was lying next to me and she smiled her first smile. I believe it was the Holy Spirit bringing joy into this beautiful little baby. She has always been a joyful baby. Seldom is upset, and if she is there is something really wrong. Regardless, I am so thankful for God’s presence in her life over this past year. Although, she is only one I can see God in her. My prayer for her continues to be God would keep her secure and protected in His hand and under the protection of His wing and she would choose to live a life consecrated to God. I pray God will continue to draw her spirit to Him. I am thankful for how she hugs me and says Ahhhhh as she does so. I love how she laughs when I tickle her. I love how she looks for her dad around the house. Wow, why is it that you can become so overwhelmed with thankfulness you stop the ability to think? That is where I am at. I guess I can only end it with saying, I am thankful God can see my heart right now and truly know how thankful I am for this beautiful little girl and the amazing privilege of being called her mom. I am also thankful for God’s grace for all the times I have messed up as her mom this year and for the grace He will continue to pour into me for the times I will mess up in the future. I wish more than anything I could not mess up for this little girl, but am SO thankful for the grace I find when I do. I love you little Abrielle Elyse!
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
What is wrong with this picture? Look so very close. You might be thinking she really needs a bath, or poor girl she still does not have any hair, or mom did you forget to get her dressed this morning? You better look closer.
We went to the parade this weekend. We had fun but the parade was some what of a dud. It literally rained on our parade and that was sort of funny. It seemed to be sunny everywhere except for directly over us. Abrielle had her first lollypop, she suckered grandma into that one.
Brent took this picture this weekend and I just love here eyes in this picture. Look closely you can see something wrong in this picture too.
We went woodcutting this weekend. One of my absolute favorite things to do. The forest is so pretty right now, and the weather perfect. Here Abrielle is trying to help with the chain saw. She also thought she could help the dogs dig their hole. Too bad I did not have the camera close then. She climbed into the hole they dug and had a stick trying to help with this proud smile on her face.
Well, ok did you find what was wrong in the picture? You are right, she used to have two teeth and now she has one. What? Ya she pulled a table down on herself and knocked her tooth out last Tuesday. OOPS! We call her little miss pirate. She looks a little silly. Oh well,
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My mom has been telling everyone how much I like to climb. Here is proof. Mom was doing the dishes and turned around to see me like this. She looked a little nervious, something like I was a little close to the tile. I do not know what she is worried about. I have good balance. I do make my mom laugh though when it is bath time and I am trying to climb into the tub. She thinks that is just cute. Hope all of you are doing well.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 1:36 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Abrielle has been trying to walk for the last few weeks. On August 6th she took 6 steps from a chair to a pool table in the youth room. In this video is about as far as she goes up to this point. She does keep her balance a little better when we are inside on a smooth surface. I am laughing all day every day right now. She is so much fun. Hope you enjoy as much as I do. She just turned 10 months on the 12th, I can not believe it. She will be one before I know it.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 5:22 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A week of firsts
What a week! It all started when Blitz got sprayed by a skunk. What a night trying to clean him. Poor dog. Then off to California where Abrielle got to play at the beach, go to a petting zoo, ride a carousal (it was huge, the biggest one I have been on) and she had her first trip to the Harbor House. Abrielle loved the beach, loved playing in the sand and though the waves were funny. Meghan and Chris came down to see us for a couple of days and that was awesome to get to see good friends too. It was such an awesome time. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 8:21 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Breakfast Adventure!
Well, what can I say, first mom put the oatmeal close enough for my super extension arms to reach it so I dumped the whole bowl onto the ground. The dogs looked hungry. Then mom let me play with the bowl after I was done eating since I was already such a mess. I thought the bowl would make a good hat and all this sticky stuff does not bother me a bit, mom thinks that is a good thing for some reason.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 4:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So we went camping and Abrielle got to enjoy one of my favorite things to do ever, as you can see from the slide show below she loved every minute of it.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Adam and Bre are Married!!!!
Wow Bre!!! You did an awesome job planning this wedding. It turned out beautiful, who could have dreamed up a better wedding! You will forever look back on this day and relive the moment. I know I will. What an awesome day, a beautiful and breathtaking ceremony that was filled with such power and God's presence in the room. But for me it was more than that. I got to see my brother fulfill one of his life long dreams, get married to the ONE God created for that purpose. On top of that, I get a wonderful sister! Wow, I still get emotional just thinking about it. You are the glue for so many people. You are the strength for so many who need help. You are the thoughtfulness people need to get through those tough days. You are the girl my brother cherishes. You are my sis. What else could I want? What else could I dream of? I thank God for you. Here are just a couple pictures of my little girl, but as you can see the bride above stole the show and there is nothing else needed to say.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
You all know by now I am slow
Last weekend we went down to the Valley for a great weekend. Uncle Adam took care of Abrielle and I must say he did a great job, she slept the whole way home that night. Anyway, he watched her while we partied with the bride to be. So much fun. I am sure most of you would guess I left my camera in the car that my brother had so I did not get any fun pictures of the shower, I was really upset about that. We also went to Landon Tow's birthday party and I was happy to get to see several of my friends and their kids. It was a ball. Here are pictures of all the kids including two sets of twins, we got everyone in it but Landon, the birthday boy was eating his cake! All these little ones are so cute.
Posted by Brent and Amanda at 3:55 PM 0 comments